Bulk clearing of recently deleted items


Is there a way to clear all entries in the Recently Deleted in 1PW8 without having to login to the website and destroy each one individually?

Also, I've read in other discussions that items show in the Recently Deleted for up to a year. Is this correct? If so, is that time frame configurable? A year is a stupidly long time for logins to hang around that I want destroyed. Especially when they pollute search results.

1Password Version: 8.2.2
Extension Version: 2.0.6
OS Version: macOS 12


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @gdhnz!

    Is there a way to clear all entries in the Recently Deleted in 1PW8 without having to login to the website and destroy each one individually?

    Just so I make sure I don't misunderstand your request: you mention "in 1Password 8", but i believe the feature you are referring to is the one on the 1Password.com website, is that correct? If that is so, currently I am not aware of a way to remove multiple items from the item history at the same time.

    Also, I've read in other discussions that items show in the Recently Deleted for up to a year. Is this correct? If so, is that time frame configurable?

    This is correct, and the timeframe is not configurable.

    Especially when they pollute search results.

    This is on our developers' radar, so hopefully this will not be happening in the future :+1:

  • gdhnz
    Community Member

    You're right it is only the website that allows you to destroy logins. I haven't seen any option in 1PW8 that will do the same thing.

    Is it on the developers' radar to allow the list to be cleared in bulk rather than item by item? Via the website or the apps?

    In the old 1PW7 app, there was the concept of Trash and you could manually empty it. I can't believe you regressed from that to this recently deleted "feature".

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    Is it on the developers' radar to allow the list to be cleared in bulk rather than item by item? Via the website or the apps?

    I don't believe there is at the moment, but I can certainly send them your feedback, perhaps this is something they can address in the future :+1:

    In the old 1PW7 app, there was the concept of Trash and you could manually empty it. I can't believe you regressed from that to this recently deleted "feature".

    This is still available also in 1Password 8: the Trash has been renamed to Archive, and if you want to delete multiple items from there, you can still do so:

    The "Recently Deleted" feature is in addition to this, as a backup in case you mistakenly delete items from the app.

  • gdhnz
    Community Member
    edited September 2021

    I can "delete" multiple items fine in other areas of the app but then they just show up in the recently deleted items instead.

    If I delete something, I expect it to be deleted. Not hang around in some special status for another 12 months.

    What was wrong with the old "Trash" behaviour? Why the change?

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    What was wrong with the old "Trash" behaviour?

    With the old Trash, the recently deleted list also worked the same way, so that did not change. The Trash only became the Archive, so the behavior is the same. I will let the team know you do not like the idea of being able to restore deleted items though, so thank you for sharing!

  • gdhnz
    Community Member

    The fact you can delete items individually but not in bulk via the website seems to be an oversight with regard to the apps.

    Hopefully the same behaviour can be added to the apps as well.

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Agreed @gdhnz, hopefully our developers will be able to implement this one day :+1:

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