Is there any way to restrict search result to a specific vault?


I have lots of vaults in my team account.
In version 7, usually I'll select a vault to search from before doing any search.

In version 8, this does nothing and always returns tons of result from every vaults.

Is there any way I can achieve the same thing?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided


  • Dom_1P
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @poomz!

    We do have support for scoping your searches to a single vault! It's just a little hidden right now. After you have selected the vault you can hit Ctrl/Cmd + F and the search field should be focused. It will begin with some funking looking text that will have the name of your vault in it. Anything you type after this will search only in the selected vault.

    We know that this isn't ideal and doesn't look very nice, so we have a project that is going to make this better.

    Hopefully that solves your problem!

  • poomz
    Community Member

    Interesting. So there's syntax =vault:XXXX to restrict search scope.
    Works for me now but I agree it's hidden a bit too well.

  • PeterG_1P
    edited November 2021

    Thanks for the feedback on the implementation, @poomz. We'll take it on board! 😀 And as Dom noted, this is an area of focus for us to improve. Thanks again - we appreciate hearing from you!

  • fgrau
    Community Member

    I wanted to create the same Thread - the current search behavior bugs me a lot in 1P8.
    Maybe make the STRG+F behavior the default and the universal search optional. At least for me this is the way I am used to. Universal search confuses me more often than it helps me finding the relevant result faster, mostly because I see all the stuff from the (generated) Passwords section, which is just a history with now irrelevant stuff. I guess I could remove all of those, but still ...

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