Change over to 1Password 8



I was wonder if it is safe to completely change over to 1Password 8 for mac? Which is currently in preview.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided


  • mia
    Community Member

    Backup your 7 vault. Be extremely careful for your documents/attachments.

    AgileBits is working hard to make 1PW 8 as polished as 6/7

  • Hi @akshaybabloo,

    This is a great question but it's a tough one. If you're already using a 1Password membership then you're in the best possible position to make the switch; We've built 1Password in a way that will keep your data safe and recoverable (for example, item history is available when you login to

    If you don't yet have a 1Password membership you'll need to do that migration on 1Password 7 prior to making the jump to 1Password 8.

    Keep in mind however, 1Password 8 is early access software, so there may be some rough edges you encounter. We hope that if you do, you'll let us know because others are likely running into those same edges and we'd like to get them sanded down.

    If it helps, many of us on the development team have been using 1Password 8 as our daily driver since at least the spring. If you're ready to jump in, welcome! If you're not quite ready, that's ok, we'll see you soon!

  • viswiz
    Community Member

    It may be safe but be prepared for a completely different experience.

    The UI was replaced by a complete custom design that doesn't even respect the most basic macOS UI principles:

    • different spacing/padding of items
    • modal (blocking) preferences dialog with a closing X on the top right corner
    • ignoring system's selection/accent color
    • ...

    If you use search a lot like I do. Be aware that it's badly broken. It isn't able to find substrings, e. g. an item like Openweathermap is only found searching for Open but not weather or map. A dealbreaker for me.

    Do you have only one (or a small number) of vaults and often switch categories? In this case 1PW8 is a downgrade. The sidebar ist now used for vaults, accounts and tags. Switching categories was moved to a dropdown window just below search and requirers much more clicks than before.

  • Generic1PasswordUser

    I agree with the above. Version 8 really is bad. Tried it for a few months but lost hope with the lack of improvement. I went back to 7 and I’m happy again. I’ll be sticking with 7 for as long as it’s supported then I’ll probably switch to something else.

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