Inline menu appearing in Brave


For the first time today, I’ve started seeing the inline menu in username fields in Brave. I haven’t updated 1Password since earlier this month when this version was released, but maybe the Brave extension gets updated independently?

In any case, how do I disable the inline menu in browsers other than Safari? Thanks!

1Password Version: 7.9.1 (70901007)
Extension Version: 2.1.4
OS Version: macOS 12.0.1


  • Ben

    Hi @Skurfer

    The Brave extension is indeed updated separately (and generally automatically by the browser). You can disable the inline menu by clicking the 1Password extension's icon in the Brave toolbar, selecting Settings, and then disabling the show autofill menu on field focus option.

    I hope that helps!


  • Skurfer
    Community Member

    Ah, I didn’t know how to get to the settings. I had to turn off the “Offer to fill” as well, but now the field looks normal. Thanks!

  • Ben

    Happy to help. :) If we can be of further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.


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