Fix popup on metabase


Can you fix (hide) 1password extension for metabase query editor ? or complete this issue ?

1Password Version: 7.9.1
Extension Version: 2.1.4
OS Version: mac os 12.0.1


  • ag_yaron
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @maximepvrt ,

    Adding autocomplete="off" might work here if there's no password field on the page. However, if 1Password shows up everywhere and in every input field, there are two things you can do:

    1. Right-click the 1Password extension icon in your browser's toolbar and select "Settings", then turn off the "Show autofill menu on field focus" option there. That'll prevent 1Password from displaying the suggestions on its own. Instead, you'll be able to fully control it by clicking the little 1Password icon on the right corner of each field and display/hide it on demand.

    2. You can collect the page's structure for us and send it over so we can better train 1Password to not show up on this page. Right-click anywhere on the page and select "1Password" -> "Help" -> "Collect Page Structure". Send us the downloaded file to alongside a description of the issue and some screenshots showing where 1Password shows up (but shouldn't).

  • maximepvrt
    Community Member

    I'm updated the metabase issue + send an email to

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Thank you @maximepvrt! Have you already received a ticket number after you have sent us the email?

  • maximepvrt
    Community Member


  • maximepvrt
    Community Member

    I was told that

    _Hello Maxime,

    Thank you for reaching out to us. My name is ****, and I am happy to be your assistant for the day.

    Currently, we don't have an option to prevent the inline menu from showing up on a specific input field. We are considering the possibility for website developers to add an "attribute" to their input field to prevent 1Password from showing up in their fields. Still, we should be careful since some might abuse this feature and stop 1Password from working at all on a website.

    With that said, I have already added you to the user requests list to add more weight to the feature request. Please be patient and stay up to date with the latest version of 1Password. That is the best way to get all the fixes and features.

    I hope this helps. Please let me know if you need more information.

    Best regards,_

    Can you remove 1password popup if pathName = /question/notebook and title contains "Metabase" ? There are many input in this page and any must have 1password popup.

  • ag_yaron
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @maximepvrt ,

    We can definitely do something about that. Can you please provide me with the ticket number that is listed in the email subject line of the reply you got from our reps? If you haven't sent us the page's structure yet, please do send it as a reply to that email so I can file it internally for our developers to exclude 1Password from that page.

  • maximepvrt
    Community Member

    Ticket number is QDG-85257-516

    Perfect, thanks !
    Warning : metabase is an open source project and its hosted on many domains. is my own domain. That's why i propose use only pathName and title toi block 1password popup.


  • ag_yaron
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @maximepvrt ,

    Thank you for the info. I have documented and filed all the necessary info for our developers, hope fully this will be improved in the next couple of updates of 1Password in the browser or so.

    ref: dev/core/core#11811

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