Photo attachments

I like to save screenshots of receipts as secure notes. However, when I add a new file (photo), I first have to rename the screenshot to something intelligible rather than Screenshot 2008-02, etc. When adding a new screenshot, it would be handy to have a field to give it a sensible name.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided


  • Interesting question, @wdl0355, because I do almost exactly the same thing with 1Password. I save images of receipts as items tagged with a #receipt tag for finding later.

    Typically the way 1Password handles files (such as when you drag a file into the app) is by creating a new Document item, though there's nothing wrong with creating a Secure Note and attaching the image as a File Attachment. In both cases though, you can name the item anything you like – a Document item will default to using the name of the dragged file, but you're free to change it before (or even after) saving.

    I also want to point out that Document items include a notes field which include the same features (Markdown, namely) as a Secure Note.

    If you're more specifically asking not about the item name but the file attachment name than yes, that's something you'd want to change before bringing it into 1Password. But you could just leave the filename alone too – it doesn't have to match the item name at all.

    I hope that helps!

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