Feature request: The ability to really open the vault.

Community Member

Dear Community,

I am missing a feature in 1Password 8 for Windows, which was available in 1Password 7. This is also currently still available on the Mac.

It is about limiting yourself to one vault. Like in iOS and 1Password 7. Meaning, you can distinguish between “All vaults” and only “Personal” or “Work” or something like that. This is already in someway possible, but it does not work in the archive.

On my Mac, where 1Password 7 is still running, I love that I only see the items in the archive that have been archived in the corresponding vault. For example, I have archived an Instagram account in a shared vault. When I want to access it in 1Password 8, I have to manually search the list for Instagram, as all archived items (including from the private vault) are shown.

I hope this was somewhat understandable, but this is missing in 1Password 8!

Thanks for reading

1Password Version: 1Password 8 / 7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10 / macOS Monterey


  • Hey @Mattis, I can definitely see how it would be useful to view the Archive for a specific vault as it worked in 1Password 7. We currently have an internal feature request open for this and I've added your comments there for our developers to see.

    In the meantime, you can create collections and select each vault individually which will allow you to view the archive from the vaults you choose. I hope this helps!


    ref: dev/core/core#8028

  • Mattis
    Community Member

    Hey @ali.hazime I greatly appreciate your answer. It would be very important for me and I have to say that collections are not the same.

    I think that 1Password 8 removed many things – the settings of 1Password 7 was much more advanced to my knowledge. 1Password 7 for Mac is absolutely amazing, there is no reason today to switch to 1Password 8 – even it would become available.

    Stay safe, healthy and enjoy your day!


  • Hi @Mattis, thanks for sharing the importance of this feature. Our team will continue adding features to 1Password 8 and we would love to hear more about what you'd like to see. We are always looking to improve 1Password and really appreciate your feedback.

    Cheers and stay safe as well 🙂

  • Mattis
    Community Member

    Thank you, @ali.hazime very appreciated!

  • On behalf of Ali, you're very welcome @Mattis! :smile:

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