Searching feels broken in v8.5 (mac) - beta 80500103


It used to be that when I typed in the search box, 1PW would show all matches. That appears to be broken until I notice that all. the way down at the bottom to the suggestion is a line "Show all matching items". I see it has a keystroke for speed, but it would be rather helpful for this to be the first line in the list rather than the last. I have found that certain cases need me to think about all matches more often than not.


  • dgbeecher
    Community Member

    I agree. The current behavior of the 1Password app is what I would expect from a 1Password Mini or Quick Access type of interface, where I just want to quickly find and use a specific item. But when I go to the trouble of opening the actual app to do a search, it is often because I want to manipulate or compare multiple items. And so I find myself using the “Show all matching items” about 80% of the time. (And for that other 20%, I’d be perfectly happy finding an individual item from a full list of search results, rather than from the dropdown display, which offers me no tangible benefits in terms of efficiency or ease.)

    Of course I can’t speak for other users and have no idea what the most common behavior is. But I wish that “show all matching items” were the default option when hitting return, for the reasons given above.

  • Hi @dcblack56 and @dgbeecher, thanks for chiming in. We are as always happy to have your feedback. I'll pass this on to the development team!

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