Feature request: Menu to select symbols in password generator


The password generator has the option to enable "Numbers" and "Symbols". Some application don't allow certain "Symbols" and i have to re-generate until i find one without the invalid symbol.

It would be great to have a little gear icon on the "Symbols" option to configure which symbols are being used. I think 1Password only uses certain symbols so a list of these symbols should not be too long.

This is how i imagine that feature:


There you can see the generator open and the gear icon next to "Symbols". When you click on it this little menu pops up to select the used symbols. The blue/white ones are the selected symbols and the grey ones are not selected.

This feature would really help me find a better password for applications that don't allow certain symbols.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided


  • rpallred
    Community Member

    Quite frankly, if we could just get a shock button for whoever decides which bizarre limits they want to apply to my passwords, that would be even better.

    In the absence of that--this is a good idea.

  • Hey @shwao / @rpallred:

    Thanks for the feedback here on improving the password generator options. While I can't promise anything, I've added both of your feedback to the internal issue we have on the topic.


    ref: dev/projects/customer-feature-requests#28

  • shwao
    Community Member

    Hey Jack, thanks for the response!

    With "both" you mean this and "Password generator does not show full password"? Because while this is a feature request, I'd consider the other thing a bug.

    The password needs to be fully visible. I actually used the password generator on 1Password's website instead of the built in generator because of that. So the other thing has a higher priority for me.

  • sniem
    Community Member

    YES, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, DO IT Those horrendeous requirements on some sites are such a wonderful source of joy and happyness until then....

  • @shwao we hear what you're saying about displaying a full password, and will file it as a separate issue to keep things tidy. I'll respond over in your original thread! 👍

    Thank you and @sniem for your input on the special-character handling question, too. 😃

This discussion has been closed.