automatically hide scrollbars when not scrolling


native macos applications have a setting for configuring the visibility of scrollbars, which 1password 8 doesn't seem to be honouring at the moment, as it shows the scrollbars as long as the cursor is within the scrollable area, regardless of the system preference

also, to add more to the lack of native feel, the bouncy overscroll effect isn't there either

macos setting: system preferences > general

native window scroll behaviour - finder:

native window scroll behaviour - 1password 7:

web window scroll behaviour - 1password 8:
apologies for not scrolling as much on this one but I can't hide the vaults and I don't feel comfortable posting recordings where they're visible; hopefully the example is enough

1Password Version: 8.6.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 12.1


  • Hi @aexvir, thanks for this suggestion (and the helpful visuals!).

    I'll be happy to pass this on to our developers as a potential area of improvement. Thanks for highlighting this for us! I'd be interested to know what folks who use platforms other than Mac might think of this as well, from a user design standpoint.

  • viswiz
    Community Member

    Hi @PeterG_1P, I would also like to see 1PW8 respecting some of the most basic macOS UI/configuration principles like the two mentioned above. Additionaly the systemwide accent color should be used. On top of that get finally rid of the top right X closing button in modals use the proper stop lights top left. Any application on any OS should at least respect the most basic UI principles. 1PW used to do this in the past...
    I use 1PW on macOS and windows (less often) and would be similary annoyed by getting macOS controls on windows.

  • Hi @viswiz, thanks for this reply. I understand these are things you would like to see, but I can't promise all of them (and to be clear don't entirely agree with your description of our approach so far).

    We have a lot of things we could do here at any given time - ranging from bug fixes to performance improvements, entirely new features, or improvements and extensions of existing functionality - and it's possible that stoplight buttons, to take a random example, might not make it into the Settings window.

    While others have discussed this in previous posts, 1Password 8 also does honor the Mac ecosystem in many ways. That doesn't mean that we're neccessarily going to commit to getting rid of that X button - and it's quite possible that there's a good case to be made that there are many other areas that provide a better return on developer time for the customer. I hope you'll understand that we're keeping the focus on providing the best overall product we can, full stop.

This discussion has been closed.