suggestion: search field ready on opening


I'd really appreciate being able to open 1P and just start typing to find a registry.

1Password Version: Mac 8.6.0-6
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided


  • ag_tommy
    edited February 2022


    How are you interacting with the app? Is this upon opening the desktop app? I would think most likely that's a yes, but you never know. Have you tried Quick Access with its shortcut key? It can also be accessed from the menu bar. Additionally, if it is the main app we have a keyboard shortcut that may help. command + f. On the latest nightly my input is in the search field when I unlock the main app. Do you not see that behavior? I am not sure if that is something specific to the nightly.

    To clarify what OS are you using?

  • Asj404
    Community Member
    edited February 2022

    Thanks. Latest Mac Os (Desktop). I will use Cmd-F if that's the best solution. Unfortunately, the Quick search doesn't always list what I'm looking for, (which is why I then proceed to Open to search.)

  • Thank you @Asj404 - I hope the cmd-f hotkey is helpful, and we'll keep improving the search feature. Thanks for the feedback here!

This discussion has been closed.