Feature Request: Import list of domains that all have the same login


This was closed before I had a chance to respond. https://1password.community/discussion/121856/feature-request-import-list-of-domains-that-all-have-the-same-login#latest

A perfect example is Microsoft. They have a bajillion domains, but one centralized login point (not counting enterprise SSO).

  • microsoft.com
  • live.com
  • hotmail.com
  • office.com
  • xbox.com
  • azure.com
  • several more

Apple started working on such a list, which is here: https://github.com/apple/password-manager-resources/blob/main/quirks/websites-with-shared-credential-backends.json. It's essentially a list of all websites which share the same authentication backend.

The feature request is for 1Password to have a list (I don't care how you source it), but if I have a credential for microsoft.com saved in 1P, and I visit xbox.com or azure.com, 1Password would be smart enough to know that my microsoft.com credential can be used here. Maybe that means force-pushing (or force-pulling) matching domains and adding them to the list of websites for the credential. Maybe 1Password just "magically" knows.

1Password Version: 8.6.0
Extension Version: Safari, v2.2.3
OS Version: macOS 12.3β


  • Hey @Ryan Parman:

    Do I have some good news for you! 😁

    We already actively use the shared-credential-backends.json from our friends over at Apple. While the additional URLs aren't added to the item in your 1Password account, items with a domain in the shared credential list are suggested on the linked sites automatically:

    Let me know how you get on with that!


  • Ryan Parman
    Ryan Parman
    Community Member

    Fair enough. I suppose I was expecting something more explicit rather than implicit, but this is fine. Thanks!

This discussion has been closed.