[Support] Is there a way to sort items by the property of not having a tag?

Community Member

I want to find out how many untagged items I have and what these items are, so that I can assign new tags for them. LastPass has a none folder/category to accomplish this.

1Password Version: 8.6.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 12.1
Referrer: forum-search:[Support] Is there a way to sort items by the property of not having a tag?


  • Hi there @Zimnaan! Welcome to 1Password, we're so pleased to have you join us. πŸ‘‹

    You can indeed search for items that don't currently have tags. If you enter =untagged into the search bar and press Enter, it will provide a list of every item that is currently untagged.

    I hope this proves helpful for your use case. Let me know how it goes - and welcome to the community! πŸ₯³

  • Zimnaan
    Community Member
    edited February 2022

    Sweet! Thanks @PeterG_1P! I truly appreciate it. It does not seem to work on iOS - do you happen to have a solution for that as well?

  • benmattison
    Community Member

    @PeterG_1P Are there other shortcuts like that to customize search? The lack of advanced search options continues to be a major hole for me in 1P8.

  • Zimnaan
    Community Member
    edited February 2022

    @benmattison agreed. I might just have to go to 1P7 in order to assign tags to my untagged items.

  • PeterG_1P
    edited February 2022

    Hi @Zimnaan, thanks for the question. I'm not sure about searching untagged items on the iOS app, but I've looped in some of my teammates who will know.

    @benmattison you can find advanced search options, recently introduced to 1Password 8, here: https://releases.1password.com/linux/8.5/

    (the link is for 1Password for Linux, but it applies across platforms)

    And just to clarify: 1Password 8 for Windows and Linux are currently at a Stable release point, 1Password 8 for Mac is still in Beta, and we haven't released any Early Access version of 1Password 8 on other platforms yet. So that's our current progress. More to come!

  • Zimnaan
    Community Member

    @PeterG_1P: thanks a ton! 😊

  • benmattison
    Community Member

    Thanks @PeterG_1P Good to know...but needless to say that this still falls way short of the functionality in 1Password 7. Hope this is an interim step on the way to a more discoverable and complete system.

  • Thanks, @Zimnaan, I'm always happy to help. πŸ‘‹

    @benmattison we're definitely looking at how search can be improved across the board. I and other 1Password team members will continue to take feedback here on the forums (it's such an important way to stay in touch!) and we'll be communicating to the development team both the general sentiment of what you and other folks here are saying, as well as what priorities we're hearing the most about. A long way of saying: we'll keep improving all the time, and we'll try to align that with what the community is telling us as closely as possible. Thanks again for your feedback here!

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