Apple's Private Relay causing "New 1Password sign-in from Safari" emails every time I enter a login

Community Member

I get an email from every time I use 1Password to enter a websites login when using Safari. Every email shows the login location from a different place in the United States (California, Kansas, Syracuse, etc.). I'm guessing it's because I have iCloud+ Private Relay turned on because I don't get the emails when I use Firefox or Microsoft Edge.

1Password Version: 1Password for Mac 8.7.0
Extension Version: 1Password for Safari 2.3.3
OS Version: macOS 12.3.1


  • Dave_1P

    Hello @MattieC! 👋

    I'm sorry to hear that you're receiving multiple sign-in notification emails. I'm also using Private Relay with Safari on my Mac and I'm not seeing the same issue here on my end. By any chance, are you also using 1Password in Safari on an iPhone or iPad? We do have an open issue where some users are receiving repeated sign-in emails when they use 1Password in Safari on iOS and our developers are investigating.

    If you're not using 1Password in Safari on an iPhone/iPad then are you being prompted to sign-in repeatedly in Safari on your Mac? Or are you clearing Safari's cache/cookies?

    I look forward to hearing from you. 😊

    ref: dev/apple/issues#10342

  • MattieC
    Community Member

    Hi Dave!
    I am using 1Password in Safari on my iPhone and iPad but you figured it out with clearing Safari's cache/cookies.
    I work on websites and clear my cache all the time. I just clicked Develop > Empty Caches then Safari > Clear History… restarted Safari and I got the email. It only seems to do this in Safari, clearing the cache/cookies in Firefox and Microsoft Edge does not cause the email notification. I'm guessing because Safari uses a separate app now (1Password for Safari) for the extension to work that has something to do with it.
    Apple's Private Relay is probably what makes the email say a different location every time. It just freaked me out because I thought my account was compromised when I got the email with a Kansas location and then a bit later from Syracuse.
    Thank you very much for your time!

  • ag_tommy

    On behalf of Dave, you're most welcome.

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