Default vault for search in 1Password 8

Community Member

I am using 1Password for families and I have set up different vaults for our family members. Although I have access to all vaults, I would like to set a default to search only in my personal vault. I learned that with CMD + F it is possible to search only in the selected vault, but when clicking in the search field it is not possible to only search in my vault. The user experience is somehow not consistent and therefore not great.

Have I accidentally configured something incorrectly for our family account, or is there any other point I am missing?

1Password Version: 8.7.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 12.3.1


  • Hey @schmudi:

    It's currently not possible to search in a default vault. With that being said, you can create a collection in 1Password 8 so it only contains certain vaults. Here's a link to our support guide on how to use collections to create custom groups of vaults.

    When you're viewing a certain collection, you can use the search bar to search the vaults that are in the collection.


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