How to get 1Password 8 and proper extension to enter 2FA code received via text

Community Member

My Intel Mac mini running OS 12.3 and 1Password 8 does this but not my M1 iMac running same software. Help, please.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:2fa fill in


  • Dave_1P

    Hello @Gramps4! 👋

    You can use 1Password as your authenticator app for websites and accounts that use the TOTP standard. You can read more here: Use 1Password as an authenticator for sites with two-factor authentication

    To save and fill your one-time passcodes make sure that you've installed 1Password in the browser: Get started with 1Password in your browser

    1Password doesn't support SMS-based two-factor authentication and, if possible, I recommend that you switch over to using an authenticator app if you have any accounts that are using text messages to send one-time passcodes.

    I hope that helps. 🙂

  • Gramps4
    Community Member

    Thanks for that reply. Why does my 2020 Intel Mac mini running the same software fill in 2FA codes from text messages? Both of my computers are running the same OS and 1Password software.

  • Dave_1P


    Thank you for the reply. Safari on macOS has the ability to fill 2FA codes from text messages and it sounds like you're referring to that feature. This would be handled entirely by Safari itself and 1Password isn't involved. This support article from Apple might help you troubleshoot why the feature isn't working on your M1 Mac:

    Autofill security codes from your iPhone in Safari on Mac - Apple Support (CA)

    Another reason why it might not be working on the M1 Mac would be if you're using a browser other than Safari. I hope that helps. 🙂

  • Gramps4
    Community Member

    Got it. Thanks

  • Dave_1P


    It's my pleasure. 😊

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