[Bug / Feature Request] Search is not accent-insensitive

Community Member

I have a login at Condé Nast (a media company). When searching 1Password for "conde", it returns no matches. This happens in both the Windows desktop app and Chrome browser extension. Searching just "cond" returns several account matches, including Condé Nast, but it's annoying to have to think/scroll to find the right account for me select and click Open & Fill.

It's nice search prioritizes results based on accents, but it would be most convenient for me for it to return all results regardless of case and accent. See for example https://blogs.oracle.com/sql/post/how-to-do-case-insensitive-and-accent-insensitive-search-in-oracle-database

1Password Version: 7.9.828
Extension Version: 2.3.3
OS Version: Win10


  • AliH1P

    Hey @nukmicah, thanks for reaching out to us. Case and accent insensitive searching is currently implemented in 1Password 8 for Windows. If you'd like to upgrade, all you need to do is download and install 1Password 8.

    With that said, I've also filed an internal feature request for accent insensitive search when using 1Password in your browser (extension). We greatly appreciate your feedback and suggestions!



  • nukmicah
    Community Member

    Hi @ali.hazime, yes the search already ignores case for me. I search for "cond", and it returns "Condé Nast" in the results. My concern was about the accent, not the case.

    Apologies for the confusion, thank you for submitting the internal feature request! I don't personally add accents to many words, but I really like adding them where I can as I think it adds fun and character, kinda like emoji 😊 A few words with accents of the top of my head include résumé (novoresume.com), Jalapeño (www.jalapenosinc.com). Although I don't personally currently use those websites, they both have logins and I can see myself potentially using them in the future!

  • AliH1P

    You're most welcome @nukmicah. I completely understand where you're coming from 😄

    Let me know if you have any further feedback or questions. Thanks!


  • nukmicah
    Community Member

    Pokémon is another example I just remembered, with logins for places like the Pokémon Go phone app and https://www.pokemon.com

  • Thank you @nukmicah. We appreciate the additional detail!

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