Search Feature in 1Password 8 less efficient

Community Member

I used to be able to jump to a vault and perform a search, then go to another vault and do a search, or press 0 and do a global search.
Now, if I select 1 vault do a search, and select another vault to do a search, the search keyword for the previous stays and I need to remove it.
Maybe I'm missing something?

1Password Version: 8
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Mac OS 12.3


  • Hey @fleveneur :

    What you're experiencing is expected behaviour. In the past, we've had many users request that the search query not be cleared automatically when switching between vaults. With that being said, we are always looking to improve the user experience and hoping to make some changes to the search function of 1Password 8 in the near future.

    Let me know if you have any questions in the meantime. 😊


  • fleveneur
    Community Member

    It does not make senses. If you press command0, it shows all vault, then you can search. if you know your vault, you can press command (1,2,3...) to get to the vault then command F to search. Are you saying the vault shortcut is expecting behavior?
    I had to reverse to 7.

  • Hey @fleveneur :

    The keyboard shortcuts, Command‑2 to Command‑9, are used to switch between accounts and collections. When switching between accounts and collections, and then pressing Command - F, the search bar should clear. Are you experiencing a different behaviour?

    Please note that if you're switching between vaults/accounts/collections, the search bar will not automatically clear. If you see the caret flashing in the search bar, pressing the esc key will clear the search bar.


  • fleveneur
    Community Member

    Hi Alvin,
    Actually in 1P 7.9.4, command 1,2,3 … switches between vault, not account. (I use it extensively). That’s why i was surprised that shortcut was gone in 8.0

  • Hey @fleveneur :

    I apologize for my miscommunication - I was referring to 1Password 8 in my previous reply. The functionality of the keyboard shortcut has changed in version 8. Here's a link to our support guide on the keyboard shortcuts in 1Password 8 : 1Password keyboard shortcuts.


  • aplnub
    Community Member

    Is there a way to go back to the search in v7? The search feature now is not great at all. I don't like having to hit Command Return to show my expected search results. I like it better when I typed whatever I wanted to in and then I could scroll between them.

  • Hi @apinub, thank you for this question. We're continuing to work on the search in 1Password 8 and appreciate your feedback on this. I'm happy to submit a vote on your behalf for the cmd-return action to be the default, if that meets your needs.

This discussion has been closed.