Rich Icons in 1Password 8 for Mac

Community Member

Over many years of using 1Password, I've applied high quality rich icons to each of my 1Password items. There was a point in the past when even great quality images appeared blurry if you just dragged the image to the icon field. The work-around to this issue was to double-click the icon field and select the correct image from the Finder.

I only just learned about the release of 1Password 8 for Mac yesterday (because I never receive any newsletters despite having signed up many times). I've now upgraded to 1Password 8 for Mac, and all of my custom icons are blurry again. Even if I delete and re-add my images, they are still blurry. As soon as I choose a new image, 1Password reduces the quality of the image when inserting it into the icon field.

I was thrilled to upgrade to 1Password 8 because icons have been missing in 1Password 7 mini for many months. While the icons now appear in 1Password mini again, they now are blurry.

Is this a known issue, or is there something I should be doing differently?


1Password Version: 8.7.0
Extension Version: 2.3.3
OS Version: 12.3.1 and 12.4


  • Hi @DaveyDave:

    Thanks for reaching out about this! I wasn't able to immediately replicate this, at least not that I could tell just by looking at the icons. Would you happen to have an example icon you're able to share, and a comparison of it after you've added it to a 1Password item? Let me know!


  • DaveyDave
    Community Member
    edited June 2022

    Sorry about the late response. I haven't had access to my Mac for a while. I've now had a chance to test the issue and get some screenshots. It turns out, the problem exists with 1Password 7 as well.

    It's easier to see the issue with 1Password 7 because it's interface for editing and viewing icons is larger and it's displays the image without modification before clicking the "Done" button. In the case of 1Password 8, the image quality seems to be reduced immediately upon inserting the image, so there is never a chance to view it in it's original quality.

    Each of the images used are JPEGs (1024 x 1024 @ 72 ppi). The first one is 36KB and the second is 50KB. There are the actual images that are used as the icons in their associated iOS/Mac apps.

    1Password 7 - Before

    1Password 7 - After

    1Password 7 - Before

    1Password 7 - After

    1Password 8 - Before

    1Password 8 - After

  • DaveyDave
    Community Member

    Here are the actual image files used for the icons:

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