Global shortcut (⌘\) only working with 1password 8 running

Community Member

Hi, I recently upgraded to "1Password for Mac 8.7.1".
In 1password 7 my global shortcut (**⌘**) was working wether the app was running or not. If the app was not running the shortcut was waking the app. This is the expected behavior!
Now in 1password8 the app has to be running for the shortcut to work, which really slows down my work flow.
Can I do something to get the previous functionality back.
Thank you very much!

1Password Version: 8.7.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 12.4
Referrer: forum-search:global shortcut


  • Alex.C_1P
    edited June 2022

    Hi @Mathias1pass,

    I am sorry to hear you ran into an issue using 1Password 8. Can I ask if you have the 1Password icon set to stay in the menubar when the main app window is closed?

    If not, you may be running into a known issue. What happens is, if you have the main app window closed and don't have the 1Password icon in the menu bar, if 1Password locks, the app itself is quitting entirely. Once the application has fully quit, you won't be able to invoke it using a shortcut (which was the same behaviour in 1Password 7).

    Does this sound like what is happening in your case?


    ref: dev/core/core#15295

  • Mathias1pass
    Community Member

    Yes, this is what is happening.
    I am a keyboard person and therefore prefer to use a shortcut and save precious real estate in the Macbook menu bar.
    Thank you for the intermediate fix!

  • Hi @Mathias1pass,

    I am glad I could help, and sorry again about the disruption to your workflow.

    Keep an eye on our release notes for any updates we might have about changing this behaviour.

    Have a great weekend!


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