No More Copy and Paste?

Community Member

Am I to understand it is no longer possible to copy selected text within the Notes section of one record for pasting into another? I'm telling you straight up, this rewrite of Version 8 was released prematurely. Founder Dave admitted his "less is more" approach was a gamble, so what I want to know now is how much longer I have to endure the shortcomings I seem to be discovering one at a time? I cannot tell you how frustrating it is to see such a disregard for essential functionality. It's also beginning to feel like there has been a shift in product philosophy. I'm wondering if one or more of the key coders has left the company, taking with them the embedded knowledge of how this product functions in a broader sense. I am beyond nervous about my continued use of the product.

1Password Version: 8.7.3
Extension Version: 2.3.7
OS Version: 12.4
Browser:_ Chrome


  • Hey @bwofford:

    Thanks for letting us know about this. This is a bug we're tracking and have sorted out in the most recent beta release of 1Password 8. To switch to the beta release, follow the steps here: Use 1Password beta releases


    ref: dev/core/core#15966

  • DavidB
    Community Member

    Am I to understand it is no longer possible to copy selected text within the Notes section of one record for pasting into another?

    Sorry if I am misinterpreting what you are saying, but with my setup at least this seems to work fine. I open a Login, for example, highlight and copy text from the Notes section, open another Login and click Edit, then paste the copied text into the Notes section there.

    Are these the same steps you follow?


    1Password Version: 8.7.3
    Extension Version: 2.3.7
    OS Version: 12.4
    Browser: Safari

  • bwofford
    Community Member

    Yes, David, those are the steps I follow, the same as I've been doing for well over a decade. Looks like you and I are on the same version of the o/s, app, and the extension (not that the latter would seem relevant). In my case, it's the copy part of the operation that no longer works; I can paste any contents of the clipboard into the Notes section of any record. My earlier reference to a shift in philosophy is that someone has decided that we users need help maintaining the security of our 1P vault contents. For example, printing has been totally removed! Yes, totally removed! One front line support member attempted to divert this negligent oversight with a lecture on the importance of best practices for security. At least Dave Teare, founder of the company, was forthright to admit the shortcomings of this new version. I can live with bugs that are truly oversights. But I continue experiencing the loss of functionality I've grown accustomed to for many years. I have well over 1,000 records in my own vault and a few hundred others spread across multiple vaults that I manage for others. I am really longing for the older version though I prefer to see the company expedite returning these lost functions to the next release, even as a "point" update.

  • DavidB
    Community Member

    In my case, it's the copy part of the operation that no longer works

    I could be wrong, but somehow this sounds like a function of your OS, not 1Password.

    Are you able to copy text from any other section of an item besides Notes?

    Also, are you using any Clipboard extensions or applications that modify the way Clipboard works?

  • xmaslance
    Community Member

    For reference, I have this issue too. I do use Copy 'Em clipboard app, but if it's interfering with Cmd+C, it's limited to 1P8.

  • DavidB
    Community Member

    I do use Copy 'Em clipboard app, but if it's interfering with Cmd+C, it's limited to 1P8.

    Are you able to highlight the text?

    Also, what happens if instead of Command+C you try clicking Edit > Copy in the 1Password menu bar?

  • bwofford
    Community Member

    Replying to David, primarily because of your genuine interest to help me resolve this. In answer to your question about using Edit > Copy in lieu of the Cmd+C shortcut, all of the cut and paste options are shaded, i.e. unavailable. I did note by accident, however, I can copy text from the Notes field if I am not editing the record. Of course, this is counterintuitive and still needs to be addressed. And finally, if you read back to the beginning of this thread, you'll see one of the 1P support staff has acknowledged developers are aware of this bug.

  • xmaslance
    Community Member

    Yes, I can highlight text, and then have to use right-click Copy. For clarification, my issue is not specific to the Notes field. I'm experiencing lack of Cmd+C for Username and Password fields while in item Edit mode.

  • DavidB
    Community Member

    I can copy text from the Notes field if I am not editing the record.

    I am glad you found at least a partial workaround, and since @Jack.P_1P says this has been fixed in the most recent beta release, it seems a complete solution is likely not far away.

  • DavidB
    Community Member

    I'm experiencing lack of Cmd+C for Username and Password fields while in item Edit mode.

    I now see I get the same behavior for those fields in Edit mode, although Control-click > Copy is a workaround. (Thanks for that tip.)

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