Have autofill work better with browsers

Community Member

If I open autofill while in a browser, it should work similar to with the browser extension. I should be able to see logins for my current tab and be able to fill them from autofill. It just simplifies things since I can use the same shortcut and menu to fill both browser and other apps.

1Password Version: 8.8.0 (Have autofill work better with browsers)
Extension Version: Beta 2.4.0
OS Version: macOS 13.0 Developer Beta 1
Browser:_ Chrome
Referrer: forum-search:Have autofill work better with browsers


  • Hi @asportnoy:

    Universal Autofill should be surfacing relevant Login items for the page you're on. If you're not seeing that, we can definitely take a closer look. Let me know!


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