New version of windows application

Community Member
edited July 2022 in Windows

The new version of the windows app sort of sucks. You can no longer right click and have the app pull up. You can no longer set the paramaters for the password and the chrome extension only works part of the time. Why were the changes so dramatic? Why was the functionality removed?

1Password Version: 8.8.0
Extension Version: 2.3.7
OS Version: Windows 10 Professional
Browser:_ Chrome


  • Hello @redelstein,

    I'm sorry to hear of the troubles you are experiencing with 1Password 8. It was re-built from the ground up and not all features are working exactly as they may have in version 7. Feedback like this helps us to understand where improvements can to be made.

    You can no longer right click and have the app pull up.

    It sounds like you might be referring to the system tray icon here. If this is the case, you can right-click the icon and select open 1Password. If you were referring to a different method can you please elaborate?

    You can no longer set the paramaters for the password

    If you are referring to the password generator in app, and looking to strengthen an existing password, this can be found by editing an item > selecting the password field > Create a New Password.

    When looking to create a custom password, the generator can be located in 1Password in the browser: Create a custom password

    the chrome extension only works part of the time.

    Could you please let us know more about the troubles you are experiencing with 1Password in the browser? For example, are you having troubles filling on certain pages? Any examples you can provide will help us to understand.

    Looking forward to your reply.

  • redelstein
    Community Member

    I was not referring to the system tray icon. In a prior version when right-clicking in a website window, there was the ability to right click, and a mini version of the software would open with an option to select the correct credentials. That is gone.

    As far as setting parameters for the password, it doesn’t seem to have an option to do it when creating new passwords.

  • cpmcgrath
    Community Member

    Is 1Password 8 the Electron app that everyone in the Mac world has been complaining about for the last year? I'm going to be very resistant to upgrading if it is....

  • Hi @Redelstein,

    Thanks for clarifying this use case where right-clicking in a browser window opens a mini version of the app. The functionality you are referring to is the 1Password classic extension opening, which looks similar to 1Password mini. While this is not available with 1Password in the browser, the equivalent behaviour can be achieved by opening the the extension by clicking the icon in the browser toolbar.

    As far as setting parameters for the password, it doesn’t seem to have an option to do it when creating new passwords.

    For creating new passwords, you can do this through the Password Generator in 1Password in the browser. Please take a look at this guide which includes an image detailing some of the parameters that can be set.

  • @cpmcgrath, Yes, 1Password 8 is using Electron to package the app. Because we were already using it for both Windows and Linux it made good sense to use it on macOS as well. Most of our app is not in the frontend runtime, though, which is typically where the performance issues lie with this approach. Instead we built a common library in Rust (a systems language with a focus on performance and security) that is essentially a "headless" 1Password app. This has allowed us to create a thin user interface layer on top of this headless 1Password. It's also what has allowed us to simultaneously develop our new 1Password app across multiple platforms using the frontend language and toolkit that makes the most sense for where we're deploying it.

    We remain committed to creating an experience that looks and feels like 1Password but also feels at home on the OS where it's running. If we've fallen short of that mark in any regard please let us know so we can address it.

    Have you given the app a try, more of a kick the tires, if you will? I think you may be pleasantly surprised by what the team has accomplished. At a minimum, I would encourage you to visit our community and keep providing feedback to the team.

    We're here if you have any questions.

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