How do I pin an item

Community Member

Upon upgrading to 1P8, I found helpful tabs describing new features (+1 for that).

But I had other things to do, and the tabs took up a lot of space. I discovered they have dismiss controls (+1 more). So I easily and naturally cleaned up the view.

But now, I want one of them back, and I can’t find any way within the UI to do that (oops -2 for that, net zero).

So, how do I pin a field, what associated constraints are there, and how can I find this info the next time this arises?

1Password Version: 8.X, but how do I find this from the UI.
Extension Version: Again, how do I find this?
OS Version: 15.6.1
Browser:_ Safari
Referrer: forum-search:How do I pin an item


  • Hi @jrepenning,

    -2 seems like a steep penalty! 😆

    We actually discussed providing a way to bring back the (closed) tips, but we weren't able to get that in before launch. It's on our list though.

    Instructions for how to pin a field are available on our support site:

    Give that a try and hopefully we can win some points back 💜

  • jrepenning
    Community Member

    Is there a search tool for support.1Password?

  • Hi @jrepenning:

    There's a search bar available at the top of the 1Password Support homepage:

    Additionally the top right of every article has a search bar as well:


  • jrepenning
    Community Member

    Unfortunately, searching for “pin” doesn’t lead anywhere useful. The closest hit seems to be “ Copy and fill passwords into apps that don’t work with 1Password”. A cross-link on that page would get me rolling. For example, in the section “ Copy a password from the home tab / When you pin a password to the home tab” a link to the directions for pinning like “(like >this<)”.

  • Hey @jrepenning:

    Thanks for your feedback! I'll bring it up with our documentation team.


This discussion has been closed.