Language preference does not follow the system's default

Community Member

I used to be a 1password 7 user, and today I upgraded 1password in the version of 8.8.0.

When the app first launched, the preference set language "system default", but I saw the UI shows in Simplified Chinese since my MacBook set Traditional Chinese as the system's default language.

1password 8.8.0 does not follow my computer's default. But can be switched to Traditional Chinese correctly if I choose "Traditional Chinese" in the drop-down manually.

1Password Version: 8.8.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 12.3.1
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Welcome to the 1Password Support Community and thanks for upgrading to 1Password 8, @banqhsia!

    I did some testing and am seeing the same result. Even after first launch and set up, it seems the system default option in 1Password detects Traditional Chinese as Simplified Chinese. I'll share this with the team so we can get it fixed. It seems you already have a workaround by changing the language setting manually. I very much appreciate you reporting this.

    Let me know if you have any questions, and enjoy 1Password 8! 🙂

    ref: dev/core/core#15912

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