1Password 8 for Mac cannot filter search by Vault



  • esquared
    Community Member

    @camner hits the nail on the head, and not just for the specific features in this topic, but all the features that have either been removed or replaced by alternative means. From-scratch rewrites allow lots of freedom and a way to eliminate technical debt, likely for good reasons, and hopefully with an improved product in the end. Thus far, IMO, 1P8 has overly simplified the experience, at the expense of known-good workflows/features from 1P7 and before.

    Request: Publicly address this and other concerns in a constructive way, and don't hide behind "I've notified the devs" or "we keep our roadmap secret" statements - as a user, those are really quite frustrating and don't engender confidence.

    Prediction: if 1P/AgileBits are not careful, the lack of attention to this meta-issue could cause a lot of lost users and/or ill-will.

  • afahsl
    Community Member

    Most points have already been made, I just want to communicate that I was a heavy user of the "remove vault from all vaults" functionality. I would have specific vaults for places I've lived and remove them from the search when I move away (kind of like using it as an archive). The new collections functionality does provide all that I need, but it was very hard to figure it out.

    I see how collections are powerful and I am excited to use them. I do think that this is a good direction for 1P overall, but I do feel deceived by that feature seemingly "disappearing". It would've been much nicer if I had an automatic new collection created with my previously "enabled" vaults from all vaults and a dialog saying "use this collection to continue the same way as before".

  • aowentrapp
    Community Member

    I would still like to see them add the filter text box. With the amount of Vaults my company has shared, instead of needing to know the full exact name of the vault for the =vault: command to work or scrolling through the entire list it would be much more appreciated to just bring that filter vault field back. We have users Re installing version 7 of the client in droves because of how much they dislike the version 8 feature removal.

  • wakko1999
    Community Member

    I recently upgraded and read the forums and reviews beforehand and got an idea of what the complaints were before taking the dive. Once I did, I made it a point to read as much of the documentation on the new version to seek out what changed in the features I used most so I could anticipate the friction presented to my muscle memory. While I can't say I hate everything, I can't say it's been frictionless either. So far my biggest muscle memory annoyance is the per vault search functionality. I did quickly find the cmd-f keystroke and am glad it's at least there, but it just doesn't feel as fast to use as I was used to in the prior version despite it really only being one extra step before typing the search term. I just wish that the search scope in the search bar would just automatically change to the specific vault that is actively selected. If that's not everyone's cup of tea then I'd like at least for it to be a setting that can be configured.

  • wakko1999
    Community Member

    OK, I've adjusted to the collections. I'm good with it....just have to give up thinking like version 7 and adjust to the 8 way of doing things. Just going to treat it like a new app and forget the old workflow....from that clean slate perspective I'm liking it....

  • ag_tommy
    edited September 2022

    Have a great weekend all. I've recorded the feedback for the team.

    ref: IDEA-I-1480

  • Loris
    Community Member

    this thing that you cannot easily search and filter the results by vault is a disaster. Very disappointed. Lost confidence in 1Password. I should have waited to upgrade to 8. But you folks have been doing a great jobs for years. So I upgraded without waiting. Great Mistake! You should never release an unfinished upgrade. This is far more important than any new things you added to 8

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