1 password mini - click on cancel bring 1p window up

Community Member

Hello there,

I sometimes wrongly click on on the 1P quick access on the menu bar.

Clicking on cancel brings up the main window. I have to click again on cancel and close the main window.

If I cancel, it isn't to get the main window but to cancel the login.

Please resolve this issue. It's kind of a bummer, especially when you claim you do not want to disturb our workflow.


1Password Version: 8.9.4
Extension Version: 2.3.8
OS Version: Mac 12.6
Browser:_ Safari


  • Hi there @dvouill

    You can change what clicking on the menu bar icon does by following these steps:

    1. Open and unlock 1Password.
    2. Click the 1Password menu (next to the  Apple menu) > Preferences...
    3. On the General tab, change "Click the icon to:" to your liking.

    I'd recommend using "Show a menu" so that if you do click the icon by mistake, you won't open Quick Access or the main window, and you can click away from the menu to dismiss it. Give that a go and let me know if that solves it for you. :)

    — Grey

  • dvouill
    Community Member


    The problem still exists. You shouldn’t have to escape the quick access twice and close the main window when canceling quick access.

    So I repeat: if I cancel the quick access menu it is NOT to have the main window appears. As most apps do, escape or cancel do they’re asked to do. Not in 1P.

    If I want the main window I can second-click on the icon and choose to do so.

    Even though your solution works, it is just a workaround, a patch on a wooden leg, so to speak.


  • @dvouill

    Hmm. That doesn't sound right. You should be able to press Esc once to dismiss Quick Access without the main window opening. Could you send us an email at support+mac@1password.com so that we can look into this with you? You'll get a conversation number in BitBot's auto-reply, which will look like [#ABC-12345-123]. Please post that here so that I can make sure your message goes to the right team. Thanks!

  • @dvouill

    I was able to locate your message. I've just replied. Please follow up with me there. Thanks.


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