Bug report - search not refreshing after deleting item

Community Member

When working in 1Password on iPad, I perform a search and then delete one of the results. The search results in the middle do not update, so if I select a result below the deleted item, it will offset by one item giving me the appearance of selecting the item I want from the center panel, but actually displaying the item one below it in the right details panel. Then if I delete another item, the offset is now two items from what I select in the search results. The app does correctly delete the displayed item in the right details panel (not the one showing as selected from the results center panel when this is happening).

1Password Version: 8.9.6
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: iPad IOS 15.6.1 (19G82)
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Dave_1P
    edited October 2022

    Hello @mjoel! 👋

    I can reproduce the same behaviour on my device and I see that our developers already have an internal work item open to investigate the issue. I've added your notes so that our developers are aware.

    Thank you for reporting the issue and I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Hopefully this will be fixed with a future update soon.


    ref: dev/core/core#17576

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