Markdown Dividing Line "waste" white space

Community Member

Please address this markdown "viewing enjoyment" issue for 1Password on iOS.

When comparing how markdown dividing lines appear on 1Password for Mac 8.9.4 to 1Password for iOS 8.9.6, the iOS view contains unnecessary white space (see below):

1Password for Mac 8.9.4 -
1. some consistent white space above and below the dividing lines
2. there is no "waste" white space after list items

1Password for iOS - lots of extra white space

Blocks of white space do not seem to be consistent on iOS and unnecessarily large blocks of white space are added relative to what markdown modifiers are used

  1. white space added above Heading 1 not seen on macOS 1Password
  2. why is such a large block of white space added at the end of "Heading 2" section?
  3. section 3 (2nd image) is a simple example of the inconsistent size of the white space added

Depending on the length of the note and the complexity of the markdown between dividing lines, the amount of waste white space on iOS is extensive (very long).

Should a note contain multiple lists, many quotes and these are repeated in many divided line sections, a markdown formatted note on iOS may appear "done" even though lots of scrolling reveals more note.

Plain text used for this 1Password note:

# Heading 1
# Heading 2
some text for this section
another line of text for this section

hello world
# Heading 3
1. list one
1. list two

  a quote for the sake of it

### other list section
1. why not have another dummy list
    1. and a child in this list

# Heading 4

the dividing lines on macOS look great, on iOS devices notes have _**"extra waste-space"**_

even in the above plain text reference this forum applied markdown seems to add extra white space around the "quote for the sake of it" line


  • Hello @ginmn,

    Thank you for your message and reporting this behaviour with this extra whitespace 1Password 8 for iOS. This is a known issue that the team has been looking into. While I don't have an ETA to share, please keep an eye out for updates and fixes like this in our release notes.

    ref: dev/core/core#17660

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