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Storage limit

Community Member

I am new to 1Password. I got in just today with a family plan. I read that there is a document storage limit of 1GB. What all will be accounted for in that limit?. I guess the secure notes do not come under that limit. What about attachments to secure notes?. Do they come under that limit?.

1Password Version: 8.9.10
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows
Browser:_ Chrome


  • satyanath
    Community Member

    What all will be accounted for in the 1GB storage limit?.

  • GreyM1P
    edited December 2022

    Hi @satyanath

    All of your 1Password data counts towards your 1 GB limit. This includes attachments in items and Document items on their own. Attachments and Document items will probably use up the most space, since most of your 1Password data is just text, so is very very small. To give you an idea of scale, a Login item with username, password and website takes up (very approximately) 4 kB. The 1 GB limit would allow for at least 250,000 items like that.

    CORRECTION: Only attachments and Document items count towards the storage limit.

    I hope that answers your question fully, but please do let me know if I can be of any further help. :)

    — Grey

  • satyanath
    Community Member

    But as per the web site - that does not seem to be true. It says unlimited items "AND" document storage of 1GB.

  • @satyanath

    I'm sorry about this; it looks like I spoke too soon. I've just checked this with a test account and you're right – it's only attachments that count towards the storage limit. Apologies for the confusion there!

    — Grey

    (I've edited my previous post to account for this error.)

  • satyanath
    Community Member

    Thanks for the confirmation of my understanding

  • @satyanath

    Thank you for the question! 🙂


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