Improvement suggestion

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User]
Community Member
edited December 2022 in Windows

I have a suggestion for improvement that is already provided by many current password managers and that would be very useful in everyday life and I would like to know if this is where I make the suggestion.

  • Create an entry in the application's menu with the option to generate passwords, informing the number of special characters, the number of numbers, the number of lowercase letters and the number of uppercase letters.

Thanks in advance.

1Password Version: 8.9.10
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 11
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Ekalb
    Community Member
    edited December 2022

    That's right, the ability to create passwords does not exist in the app.
    However, it is present in the browser extension.

    View topic :
    Especially, read the last post from @ag_mike_d, end page 2, provides suggestions for the app.

  • Hello @AndreSantos,

    Thanks for your message, and to @Ekalb for sharing that link to the related topic about the password generator. Hope that thread helps. In the meantime, others have shown interest in the return of the password generator in the app by way of menu option. I've included your vote in our feature request.

    I'll be closing this discussion, but please feel to add any additional feedback to the existing thread mentioned. Have a great day!

    ref: IDEA-I-298

This discussion has been closed.