Unable to use Linux system authentication

Community Member


I have a fresh install off NixOS, and I'm trying to get the system authentication to work for 1password, with an eye to enabling SSH support.

When I launch (locked) 1password, I see the password entry and fingerprint icon. When I click on the fingerprint icon, i see "That didn't work. Check your password and try again" immediately, with no system prompt.

$ cat ~/.config/1Password/logs/1Password_r00012.log 
INFO  2022-08-21T06:37:26.480 op_executor:invocation_loop(ThreadId(23)) [1P:op-app/src/app/backend/lock.rs:73] Lock state changed: Locked
INFO  2022-08-21T06:37:26.480 op_executor:invocation_loop(ThreadId(23)) [1P:op-app/src/app/backend/lock.rs:88] Locked. Reason: Manual.
ERROR 2022-08-21T06:37:29.145 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(77)) [1P:foundation/op-system-auth/src/lib.rs:472] PolKit authorization error: MethodError
ERROR 2022-08-21T06:38:18.403 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(78)) [1P:foundation/op-system-auth/src/lib.rs:472] PolKit authorization error: MethodError
ERROR 2022-08-21T06:38:19.968 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(78)) [1P:foundation/op-system-auth/src/lib.rs:472] PolKit authorization error: MethodError
WARN  2022-08-21T06:38:19.968 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(4)) [1P:op-app/src/app/backend/lock_screen.rs:370] failed unlock count was too high, resetting state 
$ systemctl status polkit.service
● polkit.service - Authorization Manager
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/polkit.service; linked; vendor preset: enabled)
    Drop-In: /nix/store/5w2r4ndgjqpbmd3n4cpfsdza8rj6q0ji-system-units/polkit.service.d
     Active: active (running) since Sun 2022-08-21 06:18:52 EDT; 27min ago
       Docs: man:polkit(8)
   Main PID: 1177 (polkitd)
         IP: 0B in, 0B out
         IO: 17.8M read, 0B written
      Tasks: 12 (limit: 38157)
     Memory: 23.9M
        CPU: 293ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/polkit.service
             └─1177 /nix/store/14a1ghggm1wjkizjbsf4d8iad2pbfhx3-polkit-0.120/lib/polkit-1/polkitd --no-debug

Aug 21 06:18:52 beatrix systemd[1]: Starting Authorization Manager...
Aug 21 06:18:52 beatrix polkitd[1177]: Started polkitd version 0.120
Aug 21 06:18:52 beatrix polkitd[1177]: Loading rules from directory /etc/polkit-1/rules.d
Aug 21 06:18:52 beatrix polkitd[1177]: Loading rules from directory /run/current-system/sw/share/polkit-1/rules.d
Aug 21 06:18:52 beatrix polkitd[1177]: Finished loading, compiling and executing 3 rules
Aug 21 06:18:52 beatrix systemd[1]: Started Authorization Manager.
Aug 21 06:18:52 beatrix polkitd[1177]: Acquired the name org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1 on the system bus
Aug 21 06:19:35 beatrix polkitd[1177]: Registered Authentication Agent for unix-session:2 (system bus name :1.29 [/nix/store/431vrf1dnnw76s0f0blb1gh5qp310qpa-polkit-kde-agent-1-5.24.5/libexec/polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1], object path /org/kde/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8)

I have "Settings > Security > Unlock using system authentication service" enabled. In KDE, I've enabled fingerprint support for my user account.

$ uname -srmvo
Linux 5.19.1 #1-NixOS SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu Aug 11 11:22:05 UTC 2022 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Any ideas on what to try next? Thanks in advance!

1Password Version: 8.7.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Linux 5.19.1 (NixOS)
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Hey @munyari, thanks for reaching out. I'd like to ask you to try enabling kwallet authentication which appears to by disabled by default. You can do so by setting: security.pam.services.kwallet.enableKwallet = true.

    Let me know how that goes - looking forward to your reply!


  • padhia
    Community Member

    I am not the OP, but I have a similar setup. Above suggestion to enable Kwallet did not help. Anything else I can try?

    INFO  2022-09-04T16:28:04.382 op_executor:invocation_loop(ThreadId(19)) [1P:op-app/src/app/backend/lock.rs:85] Lock state changed: Locked
    INFO  2022-09-04T16:28:04.382 op_executor:invocation_loop(ThreadId(19)) [1P:op-app/src/app/backend/lock.rs:100] Locked. Reason: Manual.
    ERROR 2022-09-04T16:28:04.393 op_executor:invocation_loop(ThreadId(19)) [1P:/builds/dev/core/core/ui/op-main-menu/src/lib.rs:1460] ItemWithIdNotFound(ItemId(15))
    ERROR 2022-09-04T16:28:04.393 op_executor:invocation_loop(ThreadId(19)) [1P:/builds/dev/core/core/op-ui/src/item_action/mod.rs:158] ItemWithIdNotFound(ItemId(15))
    ERROR 2022-09-04T16:28:04.393 op_executor:invocation_loop(ThreadId(19)) [1P:/builds/dev/core/core/ui/op-main-menu/src/lib.rs:1460] ItemWithIdNotFound(ItemId(15))
    ERROR 2022-09-04T16:28:04.394 op_executor:invocation_loop(ThreadId(19)) [1P:/builds/dev/core/core/ui/op-main-menu/src/lib.rs:1460] ItemWithIdNotFound(ItemId(15))
    ERROR 2022-09-04T16:28:04.394 op_executor:invocation_loop(ThreadId(19)) [1P:/builds/dev/core/core/op-ui/src/item_action/mod.rs:158] ItemWithIdNotFound(ItemId(15))
    ERROR 2022-09-04T16:28:04.394 op_executor:invocation_loop(ThreadId(19)) [1P:/builds/dev/core/core/ui/op-main-menu/src/lib.rs:1460] ItemWithIdNotFound(ItemId(15))
    ERROR 2022-09-04T16:28:04.402 op_executor:invocation_loop(ThreadId(19)) [1P:/builds/dev/core/core/ui/op-main-menu/src/lib.rs:1460] ItemWithIdNotFound(ItemId(15))
    ERROR 2022-09-04T16:28:04.403 op_executor:invocation_loop(ThreadId(19)) [1P:/builds/dev/core/core/ui/op-main-menu/src/lib.rs:1460] ItemWithIdNotFound(ItemId(15))
    ERROR 2022-09-04T16:28:08.258 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(15)) [1P:foundation/op-system-auth/src/lib.rs:464] PolKit authorization error: MethodError
  • padhia
    Community Member


    A note for any future NixOS user who runs into a similar issue, system authentication takes a bit more effort than just installing the 1password application. Refer to https://1password.community/discussion/comment/638537/#Comment_638537 for more information.

  • Thank you for the update, @padhia! We appreciate you sharing this info.

  • clementp
    Community Member

    I faced this issue too, and I would like to add that what fixed it for me is to add this NixOS option: programs._1password-gui.polkitPolicyOwners

  • Hey @clementp, thanks for sharing what worked for you 😄


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