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My account and vaults are no longer visible in the left sidebar on How do I get them

Community Member
edited February 2023 in Memberships

to be visible again? I am the manager of a family account. This happened after I changed the name of the account from "our family". I changed the name because a family member had the same problem: their account and vaults were not visible in the sidebar on

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Referrer: forum-search:my account and vaults are no longer visible in the left sidebar on


  • @Kaiji

    Have you logged out and back in? However, I can't say I've needed to do that. Please email us using Be sure to use the email address tied to the account in question. By chance was the other user confirmed after the invite? We may need to look at details we do not have access to here which is the principle reason for contacting us via email.


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