iOS password search is not synched with iOS app passwords

Community Member

I have 1password 8 on my iphone. When I create new credentials on my mac, the iOS app is synced instantly, but when I search the new password in-browser or in other iOS applications the new credential is not updated. What do i need to upgrade and how do I do that?

1Password Version: 8.9.7
Extension Version: 2.6.0
OS Version: mac os 12.6.2
Browser:_ chrome
Referrer: forum-search:ios password search is not synched with app


  • @clericimauro

    Once you unlock the items should be updated automatically. You may be quicker than the device. Once you unlock changes would be synced over and then they'll be updated in autofill. I've noticed times where I was quicker than the device. If you give it a several seconds do you continue to find that your items have not updated?

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