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Switch to account imported multiple of same login. How do I remove mulitples?

Community Member

We recently switched from a stand alone vault to a 1Password account. After the import, we noticed that there are 4 of every login. Why did it do this and how do we get rid of the multiples?

1Password Version: Mac 8.9.15
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:import duplicate login


  • Hello @maethien! 👋

    I'm sorry to hear that you're seeing duplicates after migrating a 1Password account. I recommend sending an email to so that our dedicated migration team can assist further. After emailing in, you'll receive a reply from BitBot, our friendly robot assistant with a Support ID that looks something like [#ABC-12345-678]. Post that here, and I'll be able to locate your message and make sure it's gotten to the right place. 🙂


  • journeyman4
    Community Member

    I had when I first joined noticed I had 3/4 of the same logins for a site, I just tried then all , and when i got one that worked and opened the relevant site I just deleted the others, and all works well. I do not have the knowledge to know how/why it happened, but all ok now,

  • @journeyman4

    Thank you for sharing. 🙂


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