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Attempt to sign up with a promo link ends up with a full price to be charged after trial period

Community Member

Hi, I'm trying to sign up with a promo link that promises a 50% discount for a family membership plan for a first year.
Even the first registration form at has a text block that says "Enjoy 50% discount ...", which makes me believe that a promo code is valid.
However, when I confirm my email and fill in my credit card details, I see an info that a full price is going to be charged after the trial period is over.
Is this just a glitch and I will in fact get a discount, or will I be charged the full price?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • @usernamenew

    To protect your privacy and security, we're unable to assist with account-specific questions like billing here on the 1Password Support Community. Please send an email from the email address you've used to create your 1Password account to and include a brief description of the trouble you're having or the question you have.

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