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Suggestion: Passwordless login to the vault using Yubikey

Community Member

So something that might be useful is passwordless login to the vault. More than less how this could work is with a Yubikey NFT. To log in the user would use the Yubikey to confirm they are who they say they are.
This makes it where any keyloggers generally won't be able to steal the master password itself and it adds an extra layer for some users with a Yubikey.

On phones if the Yubikey is NFT enabled. Then it should be able to use this.

If this is added, I think the user should be able to say how often this is needed. It would be nice if we can select the timeframe. Like I noticed some places that do this does a 30 days or nothing. Depending on the person, this could be a too long of a period or perfect. For example, where I'm almost always at home, a phone having 30 days is fine. But if I was physically going into work every day, then maybe I would opt in once a week.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


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