Put favorite(s) at top of search

Community Member

When I search for an item, it would be great if "favorites" showed up first in the list so I could select it without having to navigate down to it.

1Password Version: 8.10.0
Extension Version: 2.7.0
OS Version: macOS 13.2.1
Browser:_ Chrome


  • Hey @agbaber,

    Thanks for this feedback, I'll share it with our Product team. In case it's helpful in the meantime, search for items via Quick Access will put your favourite items at the top of the results list.

    Additionally, depending on your needs, viewing a particular collection will limit which items can appear in those initial search results: Use collections to create custom groups of vaults

    Let me know if you give these a try or have any questions and thanks again for the feedback!

    ref: PB-31362564

  • agbaber
    Community Member

    That's fair - though I generally view 1p via "All Vaults" so it would probably be of limited helpfulness in this context. Thank you though!

  • Thank you again for the feedback! 🙂


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