Automatically activate the search pane when tabbing to the desktop app

Community Member

When I switch to the 1Password app, I almost always want to search for an item. Would it be possible to autofocus the search so I could Command-Tab and immediately start typing?

1Password Version: 8.10.0
Extension Version: 2.7.0
OS Version: macOS 13.2.1
Browser:_ Chrome


  • Hi @agbaber, 👋

    Thanks for your feedback! I understand how this would useful and have forwarded the request to our Product team for their consideration. In case it's helpful in the meantime, you can begin a search when the 1Password app is in focus by pressing command + F on your keyboard.

    Alternatively, depending on your needs, I encourage you to explore Quick Access, as it can be invoked without switching to the app itself.

    ref: PB-31362391

  • agbaber
    Community Member

    Oh, quick access is great! May need to remap that slightly awkward keybind, but it's exactly what I wanted. Thank you!

  • @agbaber – Glad to hear it!

    Also, if you set a "Show 1Password" keyboard shortcut in 1Password's Settings > General, pressing that shortcut will show or hide the main 1Password window, and when it appears, the Search field will be in focus for typing. Give that a try too and maybe that'll be useful. :)

  • agbaber
    Community Member

    Ahh, interesting. It's going to be a tough habit to break as I've been doing "Command+Space" -> '1P' -> "Enter" forever to switch to 1P :D

  • @agbaber

    If you've been using 1Password for a while and you're used to ⌘\ as a keyboard shortcut, I can recommend setting something like ⇧⌘\ as the "Show 1Password" shortcut. Once I got the hang of being able to summon 1Password from anywhere on my Mac with one keyboard command, do what I needed, then dismiss it with the same keyboard shortcut, that muscle memory really started to bed in, and I barely even think about it now. :)

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