1Password doesn't fill in namecheap.com OTP Code


Seems like something changed on namecheap.com. Username and password work, but OTP doesn't auto-fill and when I try to trigger the fill with 1P, it sends part of it to the OTP field and another portion of the OTP to the "Join our newsletter" field on the same page.

1Password Version: 1Password for Mac 8.10.0 (81000055)
Extension Version: 1Password for Safari 2.8.0
OS Version: macOS 13.2.1
Browser:_ Safari


  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni
    edited March 2023

    Hey @kimonostereo, sorry about the issues with filling your OTP on namecheap.com. This is a known issue, and I've added your instance of it to the ticket that we're using to track the behavior. Hopefully there will be a fix for this in a future release.

    For now, we've found that the following workaround will allow the OTP to fill:

    1. Open and unlock the 1Password desktop app.
    2. Edit the Namecheap Login item and change the name of the one-time password field to "OTP Code".
    3. Click Save.

    Here's a screenshot: https://share.cleanshot.com/FsJF0dck

    I hope that helps. Let us know if you have any further questions.

    ref: dev/core/core#9450

  • kimonostereo
    Community Member

    Hi Joy! Yep, that did it! Thanks for letting me know what I needed to do to fix it!


  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    @kimonostereo you are welcome!

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