2FA on , but does NOT require it

Community Member

I turned on on 2fa, and it is on, but when i sign in it does not ask me for it?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • 1passquest
    Community Member

    says "Two-factor authentication is turned on for your account. "

  • 1passquest
    Community Member

    but when i sign in, and sign out, it does not require it

  • Hi @1passquest,

    Thanks for your message. I understand that you are referring to turning on two-factor authentication for your 1Password account. Did you receive an initial 2fa code to authorize when setting up this option? Once you've authorized a device, 2fa is not required when locking the app or closing 1Password.com. Options to view and manage trusted devices can be found in that guide and consist of:

    • Deauthorize Devices: Your account will be removed from the device.
    • Require 2FA on Next Sign-in: Your account will remain on the device, but changes you make on other devices won’t appear until you reauthorize using a second factor.

    Please let us know if this information helps or if we can be of further assistance!

  • 1passquest
    Community Member

    i see , then that behavior makes sense. is there a way to force it for each time i open the app?

  • Hi @1Passquest,

    There's currently no way to force 2fa each time you open the app without first deauthorizing the device or setting require 2fa in the next sign-in for other devices.

    If this is a setting you'd be interesting in seeing in 1Password, I'd be happy to enter a request with our Product team. Could let us know more about your use case what problem does having this feature solve for you? Thanks!

  • 1passquest
    Community Member
    edited January 2023

    it someone were to get my computer, and my password, they would still be locked out without my 2fa device.

  • Hi @1passquest,

    Thanks for getting back to us. I appreciate the reply and feedback. Given this circumstance, I can understand the use case and I've passed this along to the team.

    Should you (hopefully never) run into issues with a lost or stolen device, our guide can help with steps you can take: If your device was lost or stolen, and it has your 1Password data on it

    Thanks again and have a great weekend!

    ref: 29821352

  • wferry2000
    Community Member

    I would also like to see this as a feature - always on 2FA

  • ag_mike_d
    edited March 2023

    Hi @wferry2000,

    Thanks for your interest in seeing 2fa always on as a feature in 1Password. Aside from what was previously mentioned, about a stolen device, do you have any additional feedback I can pass along to the team? Can you provide another example of a use case and what problem does this solve for you? The more details the Product has, makes for a better case when they considering features like this.

    Thanks and looking forward to your response!

    ref: 31870460

  • jfarnsworth
    Community Member

    It's not necessarily a lost or stolen device. Someone in your household, including temporary service workers, observes your computer unlock typing either visually or with a non-obvious USB keystroke logger. You lock your computer, take your Ybikey with you, and go run some errands while the worker keeps working. Bad actor sits down at your computer, gets into 1PW, and writes down some important passwords.

  • Hello @jfarnsworth,

    We appreciate the additional feedback here. You make a some great points! I've sent these details along to the team.

    ref: 31870238

This discussion has been closed.