Searching for email addresses

Community Member

I am about to give a a custom domain that I've had and used for many years.
I would like to compile a list of all the many accounts that have this domain associated with the account. I can enter this search term in the desktop client and get a list view in the app, but I would love to get a list that is exportable so I can track progress.
Note this is a family 1Password account and there are additional leads tech savvy family members who will need the same report for their private vaults, I'd love to be able to tell them how to do it as well.

1Password Version: 8.10.3 (81003012)
Extension Version: 2.8.1
OS Version: MacOs 13.2.1
Browser:_ Safari


  • Hello @jswright61! 👋

    I recently did something similar and retired an old email address that I'm no longer planning to use. What I did, and it worked very well, was use tags to keep track of which items I've changed: Organize with favorites and tags

    Here's what I recommend doing:

    1. Open and unlock 1Password.
    2. Search for the email address and press Command Enter. This will generate a list of items that contain that email address.
    3. Click on the first item in the list and Edit it.
    4. Add a tag that looks something like: Change Email. Save the item.
    5. Select all of the items returned by the search in step 2 and drag them to the Change Email tag. That will add the tag to all of the items.

    You can then remove the tag after the email address is updated in each item to keep track of which items you still need to update.

    Let me know if you have any questions. 🙂


  • jswright61
    Community Member

    Thanks for the step by step.
    I was really hoping for the ability to generate a report (csv or pdf) that I could use as a todo list and tick off as I complete.
    This will work just fine, the search results will serve as my todo list.

  • I'm happy to hear that Dave could provide you with a workable solution.

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