Unable to save item and autofill not working

Community Member
edited March 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

1Password keeps saying that it is "unable to save item" when I try to create a new vault item. It also is refusing to let me select any suggested passwords. This happens on multiple websites. I already have to uninstall and re-install the Chrome extension a couple times a week for it to keep auto-filling from my Vault. I'm about to roll this out to my team but am wondering if there isn't a better pword manager out there

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: 2.8.1
OS Version: macOS 13.2.1
Browser:_ Chrome
Referrer: forum-search:unable to save item


  • ag_tommy
    edited March 2023


    Let's get your issue before the extensions team. Please email us using support+forum@1password.com. Be sure to use the email address tied to the account in question. The reason for the ask is that you issue sounds like one the team is working on. They can help determine if it's the issue I have in mind or something different.

    Also, by chance, are you using a Safe Browsing mode? If so, and you disable it as a test does this resolve the trouble you encountered?

  • serenaht
    Community Member

    Thanks for the suggestion, I sent the request. I don't have time to try disabling the Safe Browsing mode today but can try later on if it doesn't get fixed.

  • @serenaht Thanks for letting me know. If you haven't heard back from our support team, can you share the ticket mask (the numbers and letters in the square brackets in the subject line) with me so I can look into it?

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