Does 1Password have a round up of accessibility information/shortcuts for persons with disabilities?


We work closely with disability justice organizations and are helping to audit platforms they are or would like to use in their work. Does 1Password have a roundup of accessibility info/features/shortcuts that we can peruse and test in our own account? We have folks who have one or multiple forms of accessibility needs so obtaining a full scope of features within or complementary to the 1Password application would be great.

1Password Version: 8.10.3
Extension Version: 2.8.1
OS Version: Windows
Browser:_ Chrome


  • Hey @SwellCollective,

    Many of our applications use shortcuts to provide a robust user experience for keyboard users. These shortcuts vary by platform, and more information can be found here: 1Password keyboard shortcuts

    For our web extension, shortcut options are limited to those native to the browser. You can find these by right clicking on the 1Password icon in the browser toolbar and choosing 'Settings' and you should see a shortcuts section here.

    We don't have a roundup of accessibility-specific features across 1Password. We do not use "accessibility overlays" or "accessibility modes," as they have the potential to diminish the user experience of our products. Instead, we try to be good stewards of the platform and use available and common tooling in a way that does not interfere with a user's chosen assistive technology.

    1Password builds our sites and products in an accessible way for the particular platform. For example, our Windows desktop app can be used with JAWS, Narrator, and NVDA screen readers. The Mac, iOS, and iPad applications are supported by accessibility features in the operating system like Captions, Switch Control, and VoiceOver.

    Despite our best efforts, we know there may be bugs and usability issues that get in the way. We welcome feedback and bug reports as they help us continuously improve the experience for all users. I hope this helps, let us know if you have any questions!

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