Common tags for the whole team

Community Member

Why tags are private? Is it possible for teammates to see and use the tags I created?
Currently, others see that the item has a tag set (that someone else added) but they do not see these tags in the list of tags (e.g. to make filtering easier).

1Password Version: 8.10.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windowa 11
Browser:_ FireFox


  • Hello @EMILjo,

    Thanks for asking about tags in 1Password. Tags are not private, as they are applied to items in a vault, and are then viewable to anyone with the permission to view items in that vault. Can you ask someone that you were testing this if the tag appears in their sidebar when they next unlock the 1Password app or view that vault online? If they still aren't seeing the tag, we may need to investigate what is happening with you both over email.

    Let me know what you find.

    Thank you,

  • EMILjo
    Community Member

    @ScottS1P after relogin it works as expected

  • ag_max

    Glad to hear those tags are now appearing, and thanks for the update, @EMILjo.

  • EMILjo
    Community Member

    it's a bit strange that for the rest of the changes (adding a vault, new items, updating an item) you don't have to log in, and here it is necessary. Can you improve it?

  • ag_max


    In my own testing, I was able to create a tag on when signed in as a team member and have the new tag immediately appear in the already-unlocked 1Password 8 desktop app on another device, when signed in as another user.

    Can you try the same on your end and let me know if the tag is still not appearing?

  • EMILjo
    Community Member


    are you logged in to and in the app with the same login or with different ones?

  • ag_max


    I was logged in to as a separate user than the desktop app. if you're not able to see the tags update automatically when accessing the app, we can help troubleshoot via email if you'd like, as this may require gathering diagnostic information. You can send us an email at from your account's registered email address so we can continue the conversation there.

    After you have sent the email, feel free to post the ticket number you receive so we can locate your message and connect it with this forum discussion.

This discussion has been closed.