Chance icon without click on Save button

Community Member

In the desktop app, I can change the picture for an item without clicking on the save button. Is this correct behavior?

1Password Version: 8.10.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 11
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Hello again @EMILjo,

    The ability to change the icon for an item is possible after you start editing the item. While in edit mode, this is the expected behaviour until complete the edit and save the item.

    If you are referring to a different process or seeing some other behaviour, could you provide the detailed steps you are taking so we can look further into this? Thanks!

  • EMILjo
    Community Member

    As I wrote above, I can change the Item icon without clicking on the Save button. Just after changing the icon, click on another visible Item.

  • Hello @EMILjo,

    Thanks for the update and bringing this to our attention. I've been able to reproduce this behaviour and would expect changes to revert when selecting a new item (without first saving), instead of automatically saving those changes.

    I've filed this report with the team to help investigate the matter and look into 1Password first prompting a user about unsaved changes when switching to a new item. We appreciate your feedback!

    ref: dev/core/core#19579

This discussion has been closed.