Searchable alias (without using Tags) for 1Password login entries

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

Is there any way to have alternative search words/terms for a login entry in 1Password, apart from the Title and Username, without using Tags?

It would be great to have a Section field, within an entry, that could be indicated as searchable so that other terms could be recorded against an entry and an entry could be located based on a match against a search term.

Using tags for such a purpose would be unwieldy as there would be too many of them.

1Password Version: 8.1.
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: mac 13.2.1
Browser:_ Chrome
Referrer: forum-search:alias


  • Hi @DFB 👋

    Apologies for the delay here. One possible workaround here would be to look at "Show all matching items", as these results will include items that contain the search query in other fields:

    If you're open to sharing more about your use case, I'd be interested to hear some examples and share them internally with the rest of the team. Let me know!

  • DFB
    Community Member

    Your suggestion prompted me to create additional section in each login record with a schedule of aliases for each credential - and it works a treat!

    .....but only in the 1Password app on either Mac or PC. The search does not work in the web-based version or in the browser AddIn. We've been promoting the efficiency of the browser AddIn for 1Password but looks like we'll now have to ask folk to use the native application in order to make use of the Search function.

    Any possibility of the Search function being upgraded in the browser version and AddIn as in the standalone application? Or is this a bug?

  • Hey @DFB,

    I can totally see where you are coming from and I agree that it would be great for the search to be consistent across all platforms.

    I have put in a request with our product team to look at improving this functionality in a future update.

    Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback and suggestions on how we can improve 1Password.

    Let us know if there is anything else we can help with in the mean time.

    ref: PB32421627

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