remove duplicate access data and sort algorithm

Community Member


is it correct, that there is no function in ver 8 for automatically removing duplicate passwords and access data although it is demanded since years? And how could i sort the passwords within the vault by name? I have 30 passwords for our network, but it is only sorted by ip and the individual usernames are unsorted.


1Password Version: 8
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: windows
Browser:_ firefox


  • Kessnux
    Community Member

    Isn't this forum powered by 1password or why am I not getting an answer?

  • ag_max

    Hi @Kessnux,

    Apologies for the delay in our response. 1Password 8 doesn't currently have an automated method for removing duplicates as it sounds like you're aware. This has been discussed before and I'll be happy to pass on your feedback to the team internally so we can track further interest.

    For now, you can do this manually by sorting items by Title (you can find this option at the top of your item list, by clicking the downward-pointing arrow). You can reveal the contents of each item and see the "modified" date (at the bottom of the item details), which can help you determine which item is older and possibly more out of date.

    You can then remove duplicates by selecting the specific item (or Ctrl + left-click to select multiple items). Then, right click one of the selected items and choose Delete.

    And how could i sort the passwords within the vault by name? I have 30 passwords for our network, but it is only sorted by ip and the individual usernames are unsorted.

    Just to confirm, are you wanting to sort each password field for these items within a vault, or the item names themselves?

  • Kessnux
    Community Member

    Thank you for the information, i want the complete list in the vault first sort by item name and secondary by username within the item name.

  • ag_max


    I appreciate the clarification. Although sorting by username as a secondary search isn't currently an option, I can pass this along as a feature request internally for consideration. For now, the "Sort by Title" is the main selection available, which requires you to manually select each item listed to determine and compare the username with others.

  • Kessnux
    Community Member

    Thanks for the support, 1password is in the top three in various tests, as I am an application developer myself, I wonder how it works when some basic functions are only rudimentary. I'll take a look at the competitors to see if they serve my purposes better, which I don't expect.

  • ag_max

    Happy to assist. I know our team is working hard to add new features and improve existing in ones in 1Password 8 based on feedback. Thank you for taking the time to share this, and let us know if anything else comes up, we'll be here to assist.

This discussion has been closed.