Short preview item on list

Community Member

I add a Secure note item. I put the text in the first line


In the note preview, everything looks correct (as expected), but in the view of a given vault, this Item instead of the first line of text (e.g. Test) displays formatting marks (e.g. ```).

1Password Version: 1Password for Windows 8.10.4 (81004032)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 11
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Hi @EMILjo,

    I'm sorry to hear of these troubles with the formatting of a Secure note and how this is displayed in the item list.

    It sounds like you may be trying to, Format your secure notes with Markdown and using ``` for preformatted text, as displayed below:

    As mentioned, the item detail only displays the first line of the notes field. It does not render the markdown and in this case is displaying ```. I'll pass your feedback along to the team. As work around, not using markdown in the first line of the notes field will prevent items from displaying this way.

    Thanks for your feedback here.

    ref: 32482295

  • EMILjo
    Community Member

    Thank you for your answer. This does not solve the issue raised, but I will try to develop a different method of creating notes.

    I understand that the reported problem will not be corrected in the program.

  • Thanks for getting back to me, @EMILjo!

    I understand that the reported problem will not be corrected in the program.

    I'm unsure if this is intended behaviour, but have reported this details to the team to make improvements where/if possible. 👍

  • EMILjo
    Community Member

    I am waiting for their reply :) Thank You

  • You're most welcome, @EMILjo.

This discussion has been closed.