!P has stopped offering to fill-in credentials on sites I've used it on for years.

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

1Password Support Community, Chase.com, Schwab.com are among those that 1P's "Use 1Password" offer no longer appears. MacOS, Safari, 1Password and 1Password for Safari are all current.

What do I have to do to get this thing to work as well as it did two years ago?

Seems like it's time to focus on fixing the basics that have been screwed up since 1P8.

1Password Version: 8.10.4
Extension Version: 2.9.0
OS Version: MasOS 13.2
Browser:_ Safari 16.3


  • Hi @dulac71, thanks for reaching out!

    I've taken a look and was unable to reproduce the issue you're experiencing on sites like Chase.com and Schwab.com. Can you confirm that the Autofill settings for the 1Password extension are turned on using the following steps:

    1. Right-click on the 1Password icon in your browser's toolbar and select "Settings".
    2. Scroll down to the Autofill section and ensure "Offer to fill and save passwords" is toggled on.
    • If you'd like the suggestions to automatically appear when the field is in focus you can also toggle on "Show autofill menu on field focus".

    Additionally, when on Chase.com or Schwab.com, can you click the 1Password icon in your Safari browser's toolbar and let us know if you're seeing the item for the site suggested?

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

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